Extracting Daily Hotel Prices from Hotwire
Posted By admin

Project Title: Extracting Daily Hotel Prices from Hotwire
Project Description:
I am having a list of hotels for location Orlando, Fl and need to extract their prices on daily basis.
You have to daily enter the Check-in and Check-out dates and get per night price for each hotel.
The data-points to be collected are:
– Hotel Name
– Rating
– Address
– Price
– Amenities
The output is required in CSV format daily with complete accuracy.
Would you be able to share a sample for this service? Please let me know at earliest.
For similar work requirements feel free to email us on info@webscrapingexpert.com.
Are you able to scrape list of 1K hotels from various websites? I’ll provide you list of websites.
Scrape and monitor Expedia.com. for location USA. Get back to us with your pricing structure.
Can you scrape price from the website TripAdvisor? We want you to perform this activity daily. Can you do this?
Website is Kayak.com. I want to monthly scrape the price of hotels in Brazil from Kayak. can you guys do this?
Can you help me? I want to monitor prices of hotels in UK from kayak.com. Also send CSV file with all essential data-points.
I’m looking for someone to extract list of 5K hotels from TripAdvisor. Let me know what will be the cost?
I am looking for someone to scrape the prices of hotels from Booking.com weekly. Let me know the cost for the same.
Can you scrape hotel prices daily from Expedia? I’ll provide you list of hotels.
Website is lonelyplanet.com. Task: daily scrape and monitor hotel prices.
Monitor 400 hotels prices daily from booking.com. Let’s discuss more in Skype.