Extracting Books Data from GoodReads
Posted By admin

Project Title: Extracting Books Data from GoodReads
Project Description:
We are in a need to extract data of books from the website: https://www.goodreads.com/.
All the books under each category must be extracted from the mentioned website.
Please scrape all below mentioned details from website:
– Book Title
– Category
– Back-type
– Year
– Author Name
– Description
– Original Title
– Edition Language
– Series
– Other Editions
– Rating
Please can you advise best quote and time required for the project completion?
We are looking forward to your quick response!!
For similar work requirements feel free to email us on info@webscrapingexpert.com.
Scrape all the Award Winner books data from https://www.amazon.com/b/ref=bhp_brws_awrd?ie=UTF8&node=6960520011&pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_s=merchandised-search-leftnav&pf_rd_r=GWTR741MF2WC8T93YM1Q&pf_rd_r=GWTR741MF2WC8T93YM1Q&pf_rd_t=101&pf_rd_p=5139dc51-e8c2-42c6-a524-4ac0ec2f6566&pf_rd_p=5139dc51-e8c2-42c6-a524-4ac0ec2f6566&pf_rd_i=283155
Extract book data (only books which have 4star & above ratings) from https://www.flipkart.com/books-store, provide a quotation for the same.
Crawl book prices for all the mentioned categories from https://www.bookswagon.com/. I have sent a detailed requirement on Skype. Please check your Skype.
We need to get the details of Books scraped from different eCommerce websites. What will be the charge?
I need to extract book details from https://www.abebooks.com. How much cost?