Extracting Attorneys Data from myWsba
Posted By admin

Project Title: Extracting Attorneys Data from myWsba
Project Description:
Can you quote and sample data for following project specification?
The Website URL should be used to extract attorneys data: https://www.mywsba.org/.
Please provide the following data:
Attorney Name
License Number
License Status
WSBA Admit Date
Public/Mailing Address
Firm or Employer
Practice Areas
Please don’t hesitate to ask in case of any questions. Reach to us via email only.
For similar work requirements feel free to email us on info@webscrapingexpert.com.
Will you be able to scrape lawyers with the following Practice Area from https://www.nolo.com/?
Disability Law
Divorce & Family Law
Employment Law
Intellectual Property
Personal Injury
Real Estate
Small Business
Extract Corporate Lawyers data from https://www.avvo.com/corporate-incorporation-lawyer.html for location Alabama.
I want to know if you can scrape lawyers’ records from https://www.pepperlaw.com/.Do you have ready data? If not please scrape data as per our requirement.
Please collect Lawyer Name, Website Url, Contact Number and Address of Attorneys from https://www.ailalawyer.com/.
I would like to crawl the lawyer’s data from the State bar directory: https://www.ksbar.org. What would the price for this?
How much is the cost to scrape lawyers data from avvo.com? We’d like to get data of divorce lawyers only.
Will you be able to scrape lawyers with email from nolo.com?
We are planning to scrape list of attorneys for California and Ohio State bar. Can you please provide us a cost estimation?
Looking for lawyer profiles within USA from South Carolina State Bar Site i.e., http://www.scbar.org.
Please scrape details from
What is the price?
Thank you.
I am looking to scrape list of lawyers for all State bar sites in USA. Provide a ballpark cost for the same. Thank you.
We need to scrape details of Lawyers from the Statebar Website http://www.lsba.org. Provide the estimated cost and number of records available.
Can you share with us what you have new for attorneys?
If you don’t have any new lawyers database scraped recently, can you scrape a new for us?
Do you guys have a ready database of Lawyers in UK? If yes, what is the cost? What number of records does it has? How old is it?
What is the price for your services for scraping data from following website? https://www.superlawyers.com/
I want lawyers database with email id from the right source, Do you have ready database? How much cost for it?