Extracting and Monitoring Hotel Rates Daily from Booking

Project Title: Extracting and Monitoring Hotel Rates Daily from Booking
Project Description:
We have read various articles on your website and found that you guys are capable of monitoring hotel prices from various travel websites.
We also have a similar requirement where we need to extract and monitor hotel rates daily from booking.com.
We have a list of hotels for a specific list of locations and price extraction and monitoring needs to be done for those only.
Daily the Check-in and Check-out dates are required to be entered and then the prices are to be extracted.
This task needs to be done daily and delivered to us in an excel sheet. Kindly let us know your rate for this service.
For similar work requirements feel free to email us on info@webscrapingexpert.com.
What would be the cost to extract and monitor hotel rates every day from http://www.hotwire.com? what data points you guys can extract?
Scrape hotel rates from http://www.travelocity.com for the provided list of locations?
scrape hotel rates from http://www.tripadvisor.com. What data you guys can extract?
Scrape hotel listing from http://www.agoda.com. Get back to me with your price structure.
Need a scraper to scrape http://www.expedia.com. This needs to be done on a daily basis.
What is the cost of scraping and monitoring hotel prices daily from HomeAway? Do you provide such service?
Scrape hotel prices on daily basis from website https://www.priceline.com/ and what will be the cost?
I will provide you a list of places, then can you scrape the hotel details every day from the website http://www.hotwire.com/? Quickly tell us that this work is urgent.
We are looking to scrape hotel prices on daily basis for price comparison from various travel website. Do you offer such daily price scraping services?
Get a list of hotels from https://www.tripadvisor.com/. Do you have any idea on the number of hotels in Washington D.C. listed on the website?
Extract hotel prices for a given list of zip codes from https://www.expedia.com/.