
Extract Product Review and Vendor Details from SuiteApp

Posted By admin
web scraping services

Project Title: Extract Product Review and Vendor Details from SuiteApp

Project Description:
We require all the products to be collected into a single spreadsheet from http://suiteapp.com/.

Extract product details as well details of vendors for each product. For that, the data-fields are:
– Vendor Domain
– Source_Url
– Name
– Sort Description
– Overview
– Features
– Provider Details
– Support phone number
– Support email
– Support web site
– Display name
– Rating
– Reviews
– Provider
– Version
– First Available
– Compatible with
– Languages

While, for review you must first sort them as “Most Recent” and then get the details required, which are:
– Review 1 Rating
– Review 1 Date
– Review 2 Rating
– Review 2 Date
– Review 3 Rating
– Review 3 Date
– Review 4 Rating
– Review 4 Date
– Review 5 Rating
– Review 5 Date

Kindly let us know the cost and also guide, on how soon can you finish this task?

For similar work requirements feel free to email us on info@webscrapingexpert.com.

  • 5 years ago Melissa Jones

    Scrape 350 apps from different categories. And, you’ll have to get their reviews every week. Let me know if you can do this?

  • 5 years ago Nick Johnson

    We need to get the reviews of Apps from AWS app store. Do you have experience with this?


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