
Extract Data from CoinGecko API

Posted By admin

Project Title: Extract Data from CoinGecko API

Project Description:
I’m looking for a data scientist who can use the coingecko API to extract data in pyhton.

Pseudo Code:
Acesses the https://www.coingecko.com/en/api

Choose category (enter parameter – e.g. smart contract platforms).

Get /coins/categories – full data extraction of listed coins.

If possible add for the listed coins in the category full range of data – with api /coins/id/tickers

Price, market cap, deluted market cap etc.
Social media data (Twitter Followers etc.)
Market data

Export a list into google sheets.

Pyhton Code which is easy to use and to change parameters
Expanation of the code in a meeting

Preferable someone who used coingecko API already.

For similar work requirement feel free to email us on info@webscrapingexpert.com.

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