Develop Script for Amazon and Ebay

Project Title: Develop Script for Amazon and Ebay
Project Description:
I’m making amazon arbitrage, I guess you know what is it? I find products on Amazon, list it on Ebay.
If somebody buy it on Ebay, so I place the order on Amazon. The price difference is my profit.
Do you know that scheme correct?
Ok… I’m currently using an online software that making the sync between my ebay account and amazon asins. This software makes scans every hour and makes changes if needed. I believe I’m not a first one who say same to you :). So I pay for packages. I’m wondering if you have any one time solutions ready or maybe not ready but can be created.
Yes it makes scan very 60 minutes
if software see that price on amazon chages , so it change my price on Ebay
The software has several functions. The first function is actually a lister. You add ASIN and software grab details from Amazon. It should have 2 options. Regular one by one grabbing and also bulk grabbing. That how the lister is working
after this, when software grabbed how many products I need, it’s starting to monitor on it. It looks like that:
If the price is changing on Amazon, software automatically changes it on Ebay ( depend the brake
even I made). For example for product 1 I always want profit 5$. So let’s say amazon price is 10$.
On Ebay it will be 15$. If amazon price changed to 7$ so the software change it on Ebay to 17$
Same for out of stock. If product on Amazon sold out so the software also make “out of stock” on Ebay
one in 60 minutes
it does not work LIVE because a lot of scans probably. But one in 60 minutes it changed
I don’t know. The software I current use is commercial one. I believe many users are using it. So it probably scans millions of asin’s.
I’m not looking to have a commercial function. I just want it for me. Not for accept other users.
For similar work requirement feel free to contact us on
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