
Datasets Available for Purchase

Posted By admin
web scraping services

Project Title: Datasets Available for Purchase

Project Description:
Datasets available for purchase

I’m wondering if you have datasets that are available for purchase and at what rate.

Data I’m looking for right now: Complete copart site with history, Tmall, Insurance Auto Auctions complete with history.

I’ll do a quick intro call but no Skype. Send me a list of what you have? I’ll just shop off the list.
This is for research purposes and I can’t tell you what we are researching.

For us to work together (I buy data often) the process is:

Give me a list of your datasets
Have details about the lists ready: History, schema/columns, sample data, frequency of collection Have some pricing ready
Be setup to deliver data to us via some sort of cloud sync

For similar work requirement feel free to email us on info@webscrapingexpert.com.

  • 6 years ago Luis Asqueri

    We are looking to buy a data-set for crunchbase.com. What are the number of records it consists? What is the price?

  • 6 years ago Aurélien Mazurie

    Do you have a ready database scrapped from Whitepages.co.nz? If yes, how much does it costs?

  • 5 years ago Dave Cruz

    Please can you provide a list of business directory database you already have along with the price and approx number of records?


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