Data Scraping from B2B Directory

Project Title: Data Scraping Verified from
Project Description:
We do have a new scraping requirement; Please see attached files for details. If you have any questions, please contact me!
What is a price indication for that job? Starting from January we´d like to do this job on a monthly basis!
Using the following procedure, the data of the lawyers should be entered in an Excel.
Verify data Via the URL you get to the side of the Austrian lawyers.
On this page the button “Rechtsanwalt finden” (is marked in yellow on the next picture) is to be pressed.
An input mask with several input fields for the search of lawyers opens.
Without input and by clicking on the button “Suche” you get to the page where all lawyers are listed.
By clicking on the “Gesamte Liste anzeigen” link, the list of lawyers is sorted alphabetically.
By selecting “alle”, all lawyers are listed on one page.
By clicking on the link of the individual lawyers you can get to the detailed information.
The following information is to be transferred from the detailed information to an Excel:
– Titel
– Vorname
– Nachname
– Nachgestellter Titel
– Ort
– Adresse
– Telefonnummer (If there are several numbers, they should be separated witha comma)
– Telefax
– E-Mail-Adresse (If there are several e-mail addresses, then they should be separated with a comma)
– Web
– Berufsbezeichnung (If there are several job titles, they should be separated with a comma)
– Kanzlei
– Tätigkeitsgebiete (If there are several areas of activity, they should be separated with a comma )
– Fremdsprache (If there are several foreign languages, they should be separated with a comma)
– Check Dein Recht (If there are several areas, then they should be separated with a comma)
For similar work requirement feel free to email us on
Need to scrape lawyers email address for states – NY, CA, WA, TX, GA, NJ.
Can you let me know what is the price for data scraping lawyers list? Also, we require this job to be performed on regular basis and would require updated list.
Looking to scrape online Florida State Bar Website for lawyers contact information.
Can you please provide sample before proceeding ahead from
What you be the price to extract lawyers data for the below given requirements?
Data-Fields: Id|Name|Address|Telephone|Fax|Email|Website
Location: All
I would like to get details of attorneys scrapped from various state bar sites which are: AL State Bar Association, IL State Bar Association and OH State Bar Association.
I’m looking for someone to scrape this website data
I need you to scrape following information from this website:
I am building a database of Australian Businesses & their contact details.