
Data Scraping for Hookah Bars/Lounges in USA

Posted By admin
data scraping services

Project Title: Data Scraping for Hookah Bars/Lounges in USA

Project Description:
Here is the list of variables we would like to extract. To update, we would like to have data on all hookah bars/lounges in U.S.. We are considering extracting data on detailed reviews from consumers. Could you give me an estimate of cost and time for the following tasks?

1) extract data on the list of variables for all hookah bar/lounges in US, WITHOUT detailed review comments
2) extract data on the list of variables for all hookah bar/lounges in US, WITH detailed review comments

1) Yellowpages search results from using keyword, “Hookah”
2) The business is labeled with at least one category including “Hookah”, or the name of the business includes “hookah”.

The following variables should be extracted:

1) Business name
2) Whether the business is claimed by the owner (yes or no)
3) Number of reviews
4) Star rating
5) Business categories (e.g., hookah bars, hookah lounges, restaurants)
6) Web link
7) Web address for the business, business’s own website http://cloudzhookah.com/)
8) Full address: include street address, city, state, and zip code
9) Phone number
10) Details in the right column: Price range
11) Details in the right column: Discount or promotion (e.g., 50% off refill Send to your phone, $11.99 for Happy Hour Hookah)
12) Details in the right column: Open Days and Hours
13) Details in the right column: More business info
14) Details in the right column: From the business

For similar work requirement feel free to email us on info@webscrapingexpert.com.

  • 6 years ago CURTIS WOODS

    Want to scrape all hookah bars listed on website: hookahbars.com with contact details. Let me know the price and time taken to finish the job.

  • 6 years ago Robert FOX

    How long will it take you to scrape all data out of record from web directory database?

    Web Directory URL: http://www.hookahlounges.org

    This is the directory containing Hookah Bars Listings.

  • 6 years ago Joseph Nitzken

    Extract hookah bars from findahookahbar.com browsing through the list of Zip codes provided.

  • 6 years ago Marc Huffman

    Retrieve list of all restaurants and hookah bars in France from directory website(pagesjaunes.fr).


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