
Daily Scraping Hotel Prices from Booking.com and Expedia.com

Posted By admin
web scraping

Project Title: Daily Scraping Hotel Prices from Booking.com and Expedia.com

Project Description:
Stumbled on your website. And we need basically the same service.

Our purpose is scrapping hotel prices (from booking.com, expedia.com).

Please can we speak about the conditions of our interaction – fee
– quantity of queries
– time for collection
– etc

For similar work requirements feel free to email us on info@webscrapingexpert.com.

  • 6 years ago Gavin Wheeldon

    We want you to scrape per night prices of hotels from booking.com on daily basis. Can you give us price quote?

  • 6 years ago Roger Davis

    Can you scrape Expedia for hotel price intelligence service? List of hotels will be provided.


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