
College Directory Scraping – Students and Faculty Email List

Posted By admin
web scraping services

Project Title: College Directory – Data Scraping

Project Description:
This college directory (https://www.ithaca.edu/directories/) contains the email addresses, names, majors, and academic years of every current student.

The number of results is restricted to 25 for non-students, and 80 for students.

I can supply you with a student login information.

There should be about 6500-7000 unique students in the database.

Would you be able to scrape the directory for every undergraduate and graduate student (results that have a “Major” field available) and give me price quote on that?

For similar work requirement feel free to email us on info@webscrapingexpert.com.

  • 6 years ago GRACE ELLIS

    I’ m looking to capture students email address from university website listed below:


    What is your price?

  • 6 years ago TOMMY PERKINS

    We are looking for list of
    a) student list with all other information available
    b) alumni list

    Please let me know if you can scrape both these list from University of Michigan(https://umich.edu/).

  • 6 years ago MARVIN Robinson

    Can you collect faculty contact information from California State Univeristy Website (https://www.universityofcalifornia.edu/)

    Please advise as soon as possible.

  • 6 years ago BARRY CRAWFORD

    Please give me price for scraping student information from Alabama State University
    (www.alasu.edu). Thanks in advance!!

  • 6 years ago Jacob NEWMAN

    Will you be able to extract students and alumni information from Florida State University?(https://www.fsu.edu/)

  • 5 years ago Karl Ricanek

    What is the cost to extract list of undergraduate students with their emails from Texas A&M University website i.e. https://www.tamu.edu/?

  • 5 years ago Duncan McCall

    Will you be able to collect alumni emails from website: http://www.ucla.edu/? Please suggest solution.


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