Collecting Store Data from Google Maps
Project Title: Collecting Store Data from Google Maps
Project Description:
I need a motivated person to list every store in the San Francisco Bay Area that has buyable products on their website.
For each of these stores we want to collect the following data:
Address (City, State, Zip and Country)
Phone Number
Short Description
Longer Story Description
Images indoor and outdoor (At least 3)
The main areas to search are Google Maps and Google Images. Information can be obtained by hand or by scraping using various tools.
We are mainly focusing on locally owned small stores, so please focus on these, such as big chains such as Target, Walmart, IKEA, T-Mobile and so on.
I have attached a video showing what we are watching. As you can see, the first store did not have the products listed on their website, so we are not interested in it.
For similar work requirements feel free to email us on