Collecting Hotel Rates Daily from Booking & Expedia
Project Title: Collecting Hotel Rates Daily from Booking & Expedia
Project Description:
Our project is very similar to your post:
I would like to find out about your data scraping capabilities to collect hotel rates from various OTA sites.
We need to scrape hotels prices and verify it from 2 sites: and Expedia.
We need to collect just the nightly rates for the next 364 nights. We need to collect this information daily.
We only need this data for a hotel and it 10 competitors or altogether about 500 hotels.
Let me know if you can scrape this content daily and FTP a File.
Some OTA block scraping so you need to mask your IP for every search.
Let me know if you can do this and how much you charge?
For similar work requirements feel free to email us on
We are planning to monitor various hotel prices daily from Can you please share any of your similar past experience or case study?
Are you having an experience for scraping and monitoring price of specific list of hotels from If so, please provides us an example.