B2B and B2C Database – USA and UK
Posted By admin
Project Title: B2B and B2C Database – USA and UK
Project Description:
we are looking for phone directories (landline, B2B + B2C) for these countries: US, CA, DE, GB, FR, ES, AU, AT, CH
What would be the initial costs to collect this data and what are the costs for a quarterly update?
Which data sources/websites would be included?
Can you provide coverage details per country?
can you provide data for other countries as well or only US?
Your list is B2B – what about B2C data?
what would be the price for the full B2B + B2C package for US + UK?
How many records (B2B vs B2C)? How often do you update this data?
Can you provide a complete list of all data sources/websites?
For similar work requirement feel free to email us on info@webscrapingexpert.com
I’m interested in scraping data on http://www.brownbook.net. Could we connect?
I would be interested to know what much do you charge for data collection of UK business directory – http://www.scoot.co.uk
We need data to be scraped then we will need it to update it if required in future from business directory: hotfrog.co.uk.
Do you guys also provide the service to scrape data from business directories from other countries like France and Germany and deliver data in their respective languages? Please confirm.
I would like to get an cost and time estimation to extract entire goldenpages.ie directory. Kindly reply accordingly. Thank you!!
What would be a charge of scraping all the business listings from http://www.goudengids.be?
Let me know if you are able to scrape the business email database from swedyello.com?
Are you able to scrape contact and email the business database of various companies from http://www.hoovers.com? Get back to me with the cost.
Target website would be : https://www.paginasamarillas.es.
I want to get the cost for extracting Spain business database from the website.
Are you guys able to scrape business listings from website URL:
https://www.thomsonlocal.com? Let me know the cost.