Scrape TripAdvisor Hotel Reviews

Project Title: Scrape TripAdvisor Hotel Reviews
Project Description:
We need to scrape hotel reviews from major cities.
We’re looking to analyse hotel reviews in tourist hotspots (London as a start) to reveal which hotels have the best rated and mentions of good and bad quality of sleep when staying at them.
Using a scraper, we’re looking to collate data from the latest hotel reviews (latest 1,000 per hotel) featuring quality of sleep ‘star reviews’, as well as written reviews that mention how well or poorly guests slept.
The first part of this project will be to format and execute a scraper to collate London hotels data. Should the data be feasible, we would then look to expand the concept to 49 other cities in the UK, US, and European nations.
The initial deliverables required for this project will be:
Scraped data of “quality of sleep” scores from the latest reviews of hotels in each city (max 1,000 reviews per hotel)
Scrapped written reviews that mention or discuss how well guests have stayed in each city hotels (max 1,000 reviews per hotel)
Easy to access and analyse pivot (excel) format of scraped data, as well as raw sheets of data
Let me know if you can do this?
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